Friday, April 29, 2011

Tutorial Blog 2- Updated Version

During weeks 5-7, I have learned alot of information as it relates to information technology. One of the sections i found the most interesting was the project we did on excel. I took Computer problem solving my sophomore year in college and learned a lot of the basics about excel software. Although much of the information was similar, this course went into greater depth about the breathe and depth of excel. I was completely unaware of the variety as well as amount of information Microsoft excel could process.

As stated before I did an internship this past summer, and we depended on Excel to help process and organize a lot of our data. When I think back, I remember a partner making reference to pivot tables. At that point in time, i though a pivot table was just a chart with a lot of formulas. I had no Idea, that in a pivot table you could organize and format data, to produce output in a variety of forms.

Below is an example of Raw data

Some of the more complex this I learned were
- IF Functions: Where you type in the "logical test", then the value if true (words must be in "quotations"), and then the value if false

Pivot Tables: Select the data that you would like to organize, including the headings. once the information is selected, you have the options to import the table into the current sheet or into a new worksheet.You then have the option to organize the information in  a variety of ways. By select different heading you can calculate "sums", "avg", etc.

Other capabilities that MS Excel has is that it can organize output data in a visual format. When presenting to clients and upper level management, it is sometimes more effective to use a chart or graph to explain the trends in data. This allows the user to start with a very high level anaylsis, and then lead into greater details. Below is an exmaple of what a bar chart looks like.

A variety of charts and graphs can be chosen from the tool bar above.

Overall my interest with excel has definitely grown through this course.

I not only enjoyed learning about excel, but all different types of of software programs, and the legal parameters surround software.

Overall, I enjoyed completing the web 2.0 presentation project. I have created numerous presentations in Microsoft PowerPoint presentations, but I had a great time dded a unique element to overall assignment. I was unaware of the variety of web presentation tools that were available. I learned how to import audio, pictures, and music into a single presentation file. I also learned how to incorporate some creative effects into the presentation- transitions.

This class is going great, and I can not wait for whats next!

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Tutorial Blog 4: Interview Tips

Something that is very important to me is professional development. My last tutorial blog was about LinkedIn, which is a new professional networking site, that allows professional to engage and interact with each other, as well as, allows employers to recruit prospective employees. I have been very involved in the College of Business and have had received a wealth of knowledge as it relates to professional development. Whether it be from a faculty member, or directly from an employers, I have heard how students or anyone for that matter should approach a potential job.

It all starts with the resume, but what I plan on focusing on is the interview process, and how to maximize your chances of receiving an offer.

1. 10 seconds to sell or say so long
Unless your resume catches the interviewer's eye in 10 seconds it's over, you're done.Cater your resume to the job description!

2. Dress in a clean conservative manner
Make sure you go into a job interview having showered and wearing clean clothes. If you like wearing cologne or perfume, don't wear any on the day of the interview. What's subtle smelling to you may be overwhelming to your interviewer.

3. Be on time
There is no excuse for being late, none!  Leave extra early, do whatever it takes. Blaming it on traffic or anything else doesn't matter.

4. Cell phone off
Obvious but easily forgotten. Double and triple check to make sure your cell phone ringer is turned off. To be on the safe side, you might want to leave your phone in the car.

5. Know the company, and why you want to work there
Research the company you're interviewing for. Learn as much as you can about the company's mission, objectives, goals, and future plans. Definitely be aware of some of the company current projects, or current events that might impact the company

6. Bring resumes
Your interviewers will likely have a copy of your resume but bring spares. It shows you're prepared and serious about getting the job. Use resume paper, it will make you stand out from other applicants.

7. Bring a notepad/padfolio
Very few people bring a notepad with them to a job interview. It's a very subtle thing that makes you stand out. Take notes when appropriate.

8. Profiles to private
If you don't think interviewers look you up on Facebook or MySpace, think again. Hiring managers do this all the time "to weed out people who wouldn't be a good fit in the company's culture."

9. Don't make jokes/babble/badmouth/flirt with the Interviewer
Too many people think they are funny when in reality they're not. There is a time and a place for everything, a job interview isn't the time nor place to test your material. Be friendly and outgoing, but save the jokes.When answering a question, answer the question. Don't start out answering a question and then veer off to talk about something else. Make sure your answer directly reflects the question being asked. Bad mouthing a previous boss in a job interview is a huge negative. They may have been the worst boss in the world but expressing that in a job interview is a huge mistake. Remember, at all times be PROFESSIONAL!

10. Have good eye contact
Staring at the floor, ceiling, or wall when speaking or listening makes you appear disinterested.

11. Have goals and Passion
Maybe you don't have any idea where you want to be in a few years professionally but figure out something to say. If you don't and you're asked, you appear unambitious, which could lead an interviewer to think you'd be a lazy employee. Be able to express why you want to work in that field/industry and what you do to further your knowledge (books, blogs you read). The more intelligent or informed you are the more impressive you'll look.

12. Have accomplishments
Be prepared to talk about something that you're proud of accomplishing, whether professionally or personally (or a failure and what you learned from it).

13. Ask Questions
At the end of the job interview make sure you have some questions to ask. If the interviewer doesn't offer you a chance, ask to ask. Again, it reinforces your strong interest in the job.

14. Send a thank you note
It's easy to send an email but take the extra effort to mail your interviewer a hand written thank you note. It reinforces your interest in the job. It doesn't need to be long, just make it sincere.

These are 14 simple tips, but I can assure they will make a big difference!

Tutorial 3: LinkedIn Professional Network

I recently presented a forum on Social Networking with my fraternity and thought that it would be an interesting topic to Blog about. My social networking expertise extends only as far as Myspace and Facebook. However, within the couple of years, other popular social networks have evolved, two in particular include LinkedIn and Twitter. During the forum we reference the article "How Small Businesses Can Use Social Media for Customer Service" (, as well as, a youtube clip that shows the power of social networking titled "Social media revolution 2"

Back to LinkedIn! I created a LinkedIn account but have never used it, so this will be a great time to learn and teach some one else. I do have a twitter, but I am not that familiar with many of its functions or capabilities. The mission statement of LinkedIn is to " connect the world’s professionals to accelerate their success. We believe that in a globalconnected economy, your success as a professional and your competitiveness as a company depends upon faster access to insight and resources you can trust."

The access the LinkedIN Homepage

Once the homepage has been accessed, login into your profile if one has already been created. If a profile has not been created, then you must use a valid email to create an account.

Since I have not accessed my account in a very long time, I was prompted to type in additional information for security purposes.

Once logged in, the next screen that will appear will be the LinkedIn home page. Since I have never used my account, the first thing I am being prompted to do, is to add contacts through my gmail account.

Once I click on continue, all of my contacts from my gmail account are imported. I now can see which of my contact have a LinkedIn account, as well, as invites those friends who do not

Along the top tabs, if you click on profile, you will be able to view your personal profile. Your personal profile allows you to input information you think would be relevant for other user to know. Key information includes, a photograph, contact information, education, past and current work experiences, recommendations, applications, and skills. There are a variety of security options available.

1. First the owner chooses who can view his/her profile
2. Limited profiles are available- this feature allows you to filter the certain information from selected users

The link below is a very good website for those who want to understand the basid functions and capabilities of LinkedIn. The titel of the artile is "LinkedIn for Duimmies". I actually skimmed over the article before updating my profile. There is also a section that contains frequently asked questions.

 Overall I had a great time witht eh inital setup up of my linkedIN profile

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Secure Emails

Over the past few days I have been working on the secured email project. The first few steps were very familiar. however, I ran into some trouble when I no longer had access to the computer, I had originally downloaded the certificate from. 
Idlette, Walter, "ISM Secure Email", 2011
I then proceeded to download another certificate, using another email account, however, that was not apart of the assignment. Fortunately I was able to gain access to the originally computer I was one, and was able to complete the remainder of the Project. All in all the assignment was not very difficult, but the i definitely learned about how importance it is to protect sensitive information. This is event in the article link below.

The above picture displays the photo shot of the digitally signed email, as well, as the encrypted email that are in located in my Thunderbird Inbox.

The article was obtained from the New York Times, and was published on April 3, 2011. The article discusses how computer hackers were able to infiltrate a security company, HBGary Federal, earlier this year ( February 2011).  HBGary sells investigative services to corporations that are trying to damage the reputation of their competitors.  The computer hackers were able to post over 10,000 of HBGary company's emails onto the internet.  Some of the company emails included ways to damage high profile businesses adversaries of The U.S. Chamber of Commerce and Bank of America.  
Among the documents obtained was a PowerPoint, which included a variety of ways that deal with the "Adversaries". For example, one proposed ways to embarrass adversaries of the Chamber of Commerce for an initial fee of $200,000 and $2 million later.  Aaron Barr,  HBGary Associate, estimated that the “competitive intelligence” industry had over 9,000 companies offering these services, with an annual market of more than $2 billion.

Bank of America and the U.S. Chamber of Commerce both deny hiring HBGary to investigate their competitors.  Coincidentally,  HBGary offered to complete work for  Hunton & Williams Law Firm, which happens to represent both Bank of America and the U.S. Chamber of Commerce.  HBGary admitted that they had been victims of a cyber assault, but they released a statement saying that some of the documents might have been “falsified”. Tom Collamore, a chamber spokesman, said, “The leaked e-mails appear to show that HBGary Federal was willing to propose questionable actions in an attempt to drum up business, but the chamber was not aware of these proposals until HBGary’s e-mails leaked.”  
It id for the reasons that companies must use a secure email service to protect their information from the public domain. The potiental affects that these email could have on supplier and client relationship are large, and would be very hard to recover from.

Article retrieved from The New York Times online on April 3, 2011.

Sunday, March 27, 2011

MS Access Blog

Hello Everyone,

I am currently in Raleigh, NC attending my fraternity’s southern Regional Convention. What better weekend to have an assignment due, right!? During the convention, I scheduled some time to finish my database up my database project. I have had a lot of experience Microsoft Office applications (Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Publisher), however, with Microsoft Access, was a completely different experience. I had to re-watch many of the lectures, as well as solicit the help of some of my peers.

Author: Idlette, Walter "Sheraton Hotel" Copyright 2011

Author: Idlette, Walter "Downtown Raleigh" Copyright 2011

I had always heard about the “powers” of Microsoft Access, but had never experienced it for myself. By simply watching the lectures, I could tell that this application was much more intricate. As I began working on the Assignment, all seemed well and fairly easy. The first thing I noticed that was some unusual about the assignment was that some of the information imported from the excel file, would be formatted incorrectly. At first I overlooked this, but later noticed that an error message appeared in my database. Although this was a very subtle way the professor could tell how much we studied the material, the purpose this function serves is amazing. Instead of having to type all of the data into MS access, or having to search row-by-row for each error, MS compiles a list of format errors, as well as, provides the user with a location where the errors can be fixed.

The part of the project I had the most trouble with was the QUERY ACTIVITY! Creating the expression to “show the individuals who left the gym within the past months” was very difficult. I leveraged all of my resources: the discussion board, Google, as well as, peers. Honestly, it took me about an hour to properly create the expression, and get the desired output. I originally thought that the formulas would be very similar to word. Although some of the characteristics were similar, MS Access has a

Creating expressions are very beneficial, especially when there is a lot of data and it needs to be sorted or compiled. The expression keys allow the user to organize data in a manner that is easiest for the user to interpret. Lastly the form and the report activity were fairly easy to complete. The form function allows the user to input data through as many or little fields as wanted. The report function allows the user to compile and organize the data in a way that can easily be printed and interpreted.

Overall I think that this project was very helpful and eye opening. I have never really had to manipulate a large amount of data. I know that through this project, we only grazed the abilities of MS Access. I know this because as I Googled information, I found what seemed to be an endless about of information.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Avatar Experience

Meez 3D avatar avatars games

Today I decided to create an avatar. I have always wondered what the pupose of an avatar was! i thought that this was going to be an easy assignment, that would only take a few minutes, however, it took me almost two hours to complete. One of the reasons, is because you can customize and personalize you avatar so much.

I created my avatar through I was amazed by all of the features! First, I was given 2000 coins (I had no idea what this meant). Then I noticed that I was able to change a variety of features on my avatar, everything from hair and clothing to nose size and make up.

Additionally, there is something called Meex NAtion which allows me to interact and chat with other avatars and their users. We can also play games, as well as, post to discussion boards.

Overall, I think that creating an avatar was a great experience. It allows the user to express themselves in a creative manner!

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Tutorial Blog 2

During weeks 5-7, I have learned alot of information as it relates to information technology. One of the sections i found the most interesting was the project we did on excel. I took Computer problem solving my sophomore year in college and learned a lot of the basics about excel software. Although much of the information was similar, this course went into greater depth about the breathe and depth of excel. I was completely unaware of the variety as well as amount of information Microsoft excel could process.

As stated before I did an internship this past summer, and we depended on Excel to help process and organize a lot of our data. When I think back, I remember a partner making reference to pivot tables. At that point in time, i though a pivot table was just a chart with a lot of formulas. I had no Idea, that in a pivot table you could organize and format data, to produce output in a variety of forms.

Some of the more complex this I learned were
- IF Functions: Where you type in the "logical test", then the value if true (words must be in "quotations"), and then the value if false

- Pivot Tables: Select the data that you would like to organize, including the headings. once the information is selected, you have the options to import the table into the current sheet or into a new worksheet.You then have the option to organize the information in  a variety of ways. By select different heading you can calculate "sums", "avg", etc.

Overall my interest with excel has definitely grown through this course.

I not only enjoyed learning about excel, but all different types of of software programs, and the legal parameters surround software.

Overall, I enjoyed completing the web 2.0 presentation project. I have created numerous presentations in Microsoft PowerPoint presentations, but I had a great time dded a unique element to overall assignment. I was unaware of the variety of web presentation tools that were available. I learned how to import audio, pictures, and music into a single presentation file. I also learned how to incorporate some creative effects into the presentation- transitions.

This class is going great, and I can not wait for whats next!